Dec 1, 2023 | A Letter From... | 0 comments

A Letter from the Editor In Chief – December

A Letter From... | 0 comments

Deb Ammerman


Dear Readers,

As we find ourselves on the cusp of the holiday season, I wanted to take a moment to share thoughts that resonate deeply with both our business ethos and the spirit of this special time.

The holidays, beyond the twinkling lights and joyous gatherings, hold a unique power—they embody the essence of connection. It’s a time when we pause from the hustle and bustle of our professional lives to embrace the warmth of family, friends, and cherished moments. This season offers us an invaluable chance to reflect on the year gone by, appreciate our accomplishments, and recharge for what lies ahead.

In the world of business, it’s easy to get caught up in targets, strategies, and bottom lines, often forgetting the human element that drives it all. Yet, I’ve always believed that the heart of any successful endeavor lies in the people—their passion, dedication, and collective spirit, just like we have here at Small Business Showcase Magazine.

Reflecting on this, I’m reminded of the incredible dedication I’ve witnessed within our own community. Each one of you, through your commitment and innovation, has contributed to our shared success. The collaborative efforts, resilience in the face of challenges, and unwavering determination deserve admiration.

Amidst the festivities, it’s crucial to acknowledge the hard work of our teams, partners, and associates. Their unwavering support and camaraderie have been the bedrock of our achievements. Let’s take this season to express gratitude, extend appreciation, and celebrate these bonds that go beyond business meetings and spreadsheets.

On a personal note, the holidays hold a special place in my heart. I recall the joy of spending time with loved ones, the laughter echoing in our home, and the simple yet profound moments of connection that leave lasting impressions. It’s these moments that enrich our lives and remind us of what truly matters.

As we navigate the intersection of business and the holidays, let us carry forward the values of empathy, gratitude, and togetherness. May this time rejuvenate our spirits, strengthen our resolve, and pave the way for a prosperous and fulfilling year ahead.

Wishing you and your loved ones a holiday season filled with joy, peace, and moments that inspire.

Warm regards,
Deb Ammerman
Small Business Showcase Magazine

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