Feb 6, 2024 | A Letter From... | 0 comments

A Letter from the Editor In Chief – February

A Letter From... | 0 comments

Deb Ammerman - Small Business Showcase Magazine

Deb Ammerman


From the Editor-in-Chief

Dear Readers,

As February envelops us, our hearts beat to the rhythm of not just love but also the passion and ardor that define the entrepreneurial spirit.

Welcome to a Valentine’s inspired edition of Small Business Showcase!

In this month of affection and devotion, we’re turning the spotlight on a different kind of love story—one that involves the love affair between individuals and their businesses. It’s a tale told with determination, creativity, and an unwavering commitment to transform dreams into reality.

Within the pages of our magazine, you’ll find narratives that beautifully illustrate the love affair entrepreneurs have with the art of business. From the first spark of an idea to the arduous but exhilarating journey of nurturing that idea into a successful enterprise, each story resonates with the passion that drives these remarkable individuals.

We’re delving deep into the stories of entrepreneurs who fell head over heels for their visions and endeavors, sharing their experiences, insights, and the boundless affection they hold for their craft. From the innovative startups revolutionizing industries to the seasoned small businesses that continue to flourish through generations, every tale is a testament to the enduring romance between passion and entrepreneurship.

This Valentine’s season, let’s celebrate the love stories that unfold behind the doors of small businesses — the late nights fueled by dedication, the triumphs born out of resilience, and the unwavering commitment to craft something extraordinary.

Here’s to a February filled with the admiration for the love of business and the entrepreneurial zeal that propels dreams forward.

With passion and admiration,

All the best,

Deb Ammerman, Editor-in-Chief
Small Business Showcase Magazine


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