Jun 21, 2024 | A Letter From... | 0 comments

From the Editor-in-Chief

A Letter From... | 0 comments

Deb Ammerman - Small Business Showcase Magazine

Deb Ammerman

Dear Small Business Showcase Magazine readers,

I am thrilled to introduce you to the June 2024 issue of Small Business Showcase Magazine! As we dive into the summer season, this edition is packed with enriching content aimed at providing you with valuable insights, practical tips, and inspiring stories to support your journey as a small business owner.

In this issue, you can look forward to our signature Artist of the Month and Restaurant of the Month articles, where we shine a spotlight on talented individuals and unique dining experiences that deserve recognition. Whether you are looking for inspiration in music or seeking a new culinary adventure, these articles are sure to captivate your interest.

Our dedicated sections on networking, finance, entrepreneurs in history, freelancing, book reports, and more, offer a wealth of knowledge to help you expand your skill set, enhance your business acumen, and stay informed about the latest trends in the industry.

I am excited to share that our front cover showcases Laura Dennison, with HealthMarkets, whose innovative approach to wellness insurance assistance has been making waves in the industry. Inside the magazine, you will also find compelling features on other remarkable entrepreneurs, including Valerie Baker-Wynn of Wind Blown Travel, Becky Mackewitz of River Bend Apparel, and Joe Lightner  the PC Doctor. Their stories of resilience, creativity, and success are truly inspiring.

As we navigate business ownership, it is essential to stay connected, informed, and motivated. Small Business Showcase Magazine is committed to providing you with the tools and knowledge you need to thrive in today’s competitive market.

I invite you to share your feedback on this issue by emailing me at deb@smbizshowcase.com. Your thoughts and suggestions are invaluable to us as we strive to enhance the quality of our content and serve you better. Additionally, feel free to recommend local business owners you admire and would like to see featured in future editions of the magazine.

Thank you for your continued support and readership. Your engagement with Small Business Showcase Magazine is what drives us to deliver excellence with each issue.

Wishing you a month filled with growth, opportunity, and success!

Warm regards,
Deb Ammerman
Small Business Showcase Magazine





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