Going Up? Have you created your Elevator Pitch yet? What is an elevator pitch?
1. It is a way to share in less than 60 seconds enough about your company that invites someone to want to learn more.
2. It is NOT a way to “sell” your products, services, or you to anyone.
Think of it as a “tease” to get people asking you more questions. You know, become a person of mystery who seems to have a great secret that I must have or know too.
In the book “Networking Like a Pro” by Ivan Misner, Ph.D. and David Alexander & Brian Hilliard, they share the definition of a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) that you can use at all your networking events. “Your USP is basically a brief description of the purpose of your business, stated in the most succinct and compelling way possible in order to get others to understand the unique value of what you do.”
Various USP’s that have been successful will invite questions about that company or person drawing them in to learn more about that company.

Examples created for you:
“I consult and provide solutions for women between the ages of 18-80 to address their skin care challenges. I also coach women how to provide solutions, in order to pay for extras beyond the family budget or supplement their retirement.”
-Cosmetic Consultant
“Working with families to find the right fit for their caregiving needs is what we provide. That can range from rehabilitation after surgery to a full time residence with extra care.” —Senior Residence Marketing Director
“I help design your marketing plan with a strategy that may include lumpy mail, to specialty gifts, and a simple promotional item that leaves a lasting impression. Our goal is to increase client retention and brand recognition by 20-40%.” —Advertising Specialties Consultant
These made up examples illustrate that you want to provide enough information without “boring” them with all your stories. Now the person you are speaking with also has a good picture of who your target audience will be. Be brief and to the point. These USP’s also invite the follow up question… “How do you do that?”
I challenge you to create and practice your USP for your business. That way you are prepared for your next “elevator” ride.
Written by Kathy Hoover